
About worship. (and an update)

I’m taking a short break from working because I’m getting a little dizzy from what I’m thinking is hunger. I’m currently enjoying a cinnamon-raisin bagel with strawberry-flavoured cream cheese and a cup of coffee. Ah, such is the life, eh? LOL

Things are looking up. God has stretched me these past few weeks. I have a much better perspective on things, speaking with different people, seeking biblically-sound advice. God can still use a ministry in spite of one person. I have seen changes in such a short time, changes for the better and to speed up the healing process. God was pruning us. It was a painful process but it had to be done to make us grow and to strengthen our faith. Babie helped me put things into perspective last night.

I’m sleeping over at Audrey’s house in Chino Hills tonight. She’s asked me to drive her to the airport early tomorrow morning. She’s going to Missouri to attend a friend’s wedding (she’s one of the bridesmaids). I wish I could go. I need a vacation. I haven’t had one at all this year (not like I can afford to go anywhere anyway). Maybe I’ll just go to the beach one day and just sit there and read.

Last night, we learned about the kind of worship that pleases God. The study was based on Mark 12:30 (and taken from The Purpose Driven Life)

God is pleased when our worship is accurate – This is a worship that’s based on the truth – how God has revealed Himself in the Scriptures. This is what the phrase “worship in truth” means.

God is pleased when our worship is authentic – We often say that we should worship God in spirit. The word ‘spirit’ here doesn’t refer to the Holy Spirit, but it refers to our spirit. Our spirit is designed to communicate with God. Also, there isn’t one right way to worship. God created us with different personalities and different backgrounds, we should worship Him in the most authentic way we possibly can worship Him, and the best way we can express our worship.

God is pleased when our worship is thoughtful – Often we say “Praise the Lord!” or “hallelujah” without any particular reason but just to say it because it’s typical Christian expressions. But most of the time we never really put much thought into it when we say it. What God warrants from us is that, not only do we say things, but we must put thought into it, and if possible, be specific with what we want to say to Him.

God is pleased when our worship is practical – We must “offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual act of worship.” (Rom 12:1) We can worship in spirit, but our spirit can only be where our physical bodies are. When we say, “I can’t be at fellowship tonight, but I’ll be with you in spirit”, that really means nothing, because if your body isn’t there physically, then your spirit isn’t either. Therefore, worship shouldn’t just be learned and thought of, it should be applied. There should be an outward manifestation of what is happening inside.