
Random thought vomit, re: music/musicians

Seeing all these so-called “musicians” or “singers” getting involved in mindless shenanigans, getting themselves in trouble, doing whatever or whoever the heck they’re doing, it makes me sad for music in general. Makes me appreciate my real musician/artist friends, who pay their dues, playing in cafes, bars, clubs, hole-in-the-walls, writing their own music and diligently continuing to do so, not thinking about what it will get them (money, fame, sex, drugs), but genuinely going out there and just sharing their gift of music to the world. I see them, every night, dragging their own gear on stage, playing their own instruments, singing their own songs that they’ve written – songs that have substance, by the way and not the mindless drivel of getting high, wasted or chasing tail – musicians writing from their heart, and wanting to share it with the world. It’s a shame that these TALENTED people have fallen through the cracks because of an industry that only thinks about making cash, and not really thinking about fostering and showing off TRUE TALENT.

Don’t get me wrong, there are those out in the mainstream, adored by millions/billions of people, enjoying the fame and fortune, who are truly talented and take their craft seriously and are being true artists. Unfortunately, there are only so few of them. The people that gain attention are those who are half as talented (or have none whatsoever), and are in the headlines almost every single day, not for their music, but more for their reckless actions and irresponsibility. Their music, equally as reckless and with little-to-no substance at all. One of the many reasons why I don’t listen to the radio anymore. I seek out undiscovered talent, who have something to say other than, again, getting high, getting wasted, making paper, or chasing tail.