
Job-hunt update.

So, yesterday (Tuesday), I went to a dental office to apply for a job. I was referred to them by a former employee, as well as her grandfather who's one of their regular patients. They weren't sure if the place was hiring, but I was just to go there and apply anyway. Basically, I'm just looking for admin or reception work. When I arrived, I introduced myself and told them that I was referred to them. The head orthodontist/owner took a look at my resume and seemed to like what she saw.  She conducted the interview, which quickly turned out to be a chat session, wherein I found that her daughter used to take piano and voice lessons that I used to work at for seven years. I actually know who her daughter is. After our lengthy chat, it turned out that she isn't needing anyone at the moment, but she would love to hire me in about 2 months' time when one of her dental assistants finally goes to nursing school full-time. However, she did mention that one of her friends mentioned earlier that day that they needed a part-time clerk/office worker at the small IT company they own. She quickly called her friend and recommended me right away. After hanging up, she immediately gave me the phone number and told me to contact them right away. She and I did have an agreement though that if she finally has that open position in 2 months' time, she would want to hire me. After I left the dental office, I called the number she had given, but all I got was the voice-mail. So, I just left a message expressing my interest in the job.

This morning, I called again, and was able to talk to the owner of the IT company and she said that the job is only part-time, 10-hours per week, and 2 days out of the week, but only for a couple of months, since I would be taking over for their regular office worker who's apparently going on a medical leave. I told her that I didn't mind as long as I have a job. So, we had set up an interview this coming Friday. At this point, I'll take what I can get. Just to have a job at a time like this would be amazing. I hate being idle. I tend to think too much and waste away my time doing drivel and rubbish. Even if it's just a part-time job, I would be very happy. The job is in Whittier, so it's so much more closer to home than my previous job, which is what I've been praying for. Also, since it's only a 2-month stint, then I could actually be hired at the dental office after all. It works out perfectly! :)