

So, today marked the 4th day of me being sick. It started on Sunday morning, with me starting to lose my voice, to today, with me having nasal and chest congestion, and a high fever as a result. I missed work Monday and Tuesday, thinking that getting some rest and fluids would help me get better faster. Well, I was wrong. I got worse Tuesday night, but because I had missed 2 days of work already (which means, I don’t get paid for those 2 days), I was determined to go to work today. I felt OK in the morning when I got to work, but as the day progressed, my coughing got worse, and then my temperature started to spike up again. I was going to try to get to the end of the day, but I was already getting delirious from the heat, the a/c was making me even more sick. I was getting nauseous, I just had to go home early. I called my boss, thinking he would ask a whole bunch of questions on why I’m leaving early. But, I think he saw how miserable I felt AND looked (everyone noticed), that all he said, when I asked if I could go home, was “OK”. The drive home was almost unbearable! The a/c was on full-blast, but it was making my temp spike up! I rolled down the window, but the air was so warm, I wanted to throw up. As soon as I got home, I ate a late lunch (it was already 3:30pm), took some Ibuprofen and then tried to take a nap. I felt a bit better when I woke up but it’s so hot, I don’t know what to do with myself! Went to Walgreens after gassing up my car and bought some Tylenol Cold and Flu. I’m hoping it will help me knock out tonight and that I will feel better tomorrow.
Please continue to pray for me to get better soon! Thank you!


Unknown said...

it gets worse before it gets better.