
The one where my nose and upper lip are sore.

I've been sick for the past few days. It started on Friday night, and it quickly progressed to the point where I was running a fever and was all stuffed up Sunday morning. I still have the colds, but no fever anymore, thank God! My co-worker/nurse said it's probably a combination of my allergies and an actual cold. Anyway, my nose is sooo red and raw from blowing snot out (sorry, TMI) and so is my upper lip, it's actually cracked. I'm a rotten sickie. I act like a defiant 3-year-old when I'm sick. I need a vacation from this cold. I'm totally over it. OVER, I say!

As a result of my sickness/allergies/whatevertheheckitisthatimsufferingfrom, my taste-buds have been completely out of whack. I cannot appreciate the taste of food, nor know what I actually want to eat. My appetite hasn't been that great. The only time I ate really well was last Sunday night, at my niece's 8th birthday celebration, only because they have beef kaldereta on the menu. That was the only thing that my taste-buds actually enjoyed, especially because it was slightly on the spicy side, which I like my kaldereta to be, every single time. So, I was happy. :)

OSCARS: I thought Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin did a great job, but they didn't get much air time. Their opening shtick was enjoyable. "There's that DAMN Helen Mirren" said Steve. Alec corrected him and said, "it's DAME Helen Mirren". I almost peed my pants. Neil Patrick Harris was a surprise! He did the opening number, where the host usually sings about the nominees, et al. He's adorable. :) I wish I'd seen him play Mark in "RENT" on Broadway, eons ago.

The LXD (Legion of Extraordinary Dancers) danced to/interpreted the nominated songs. That was amazing! I love, LOVE them! I found out the name of the main guy who always does the crazy solo isolations ("robotic moves" for non-dancers out there). His name is Madd Chadd (Chadd Smith). Yes, I'm crushing, BIG TIME. Deal with it. Catch the online series coming out in May 2010. It's Heroes-meets-Flashdance. EPIC. Oh, and Harry Shum, Jr. is part of it. Yes, Michael Chang in "Glee". So, Gleeks out there, check out The LXD series.

Loved that Mo'Nique won. Haven't seen the movie, "Precious" yet, but will queue that on my Netflix once I reactivate my account. Kate Winslet was gorgeous as ever. Have I mentioned how much I love Colin Firth?! If I haven't yet, consider it mentioned. Tom Ford is one gorgeous man. I'm not sure if this is true, but I read a tweet that said Ryan Seacrest asked Tom Ford who he was wearing. I commented that I hope RS was kidding, otherwise... DUH! Who would you think Tom Ford, the designer, would wear? I just thought that was funny. I wouldn't put it past Ryan at all though. OK, enough of my Oscar commentary.

Oh yes, I turned 35 approximately a month ago (2/11). It seems 35 is/will be a significant year for me. I've noticed that people I know are venturing into different things and adventures. I keep asking the Lord if I'm next. My mom and I have been talking about a lot of things lately. I'm surprised that my mom and I on the same page this time. I don't know. She and I are doing a lot of praying and listening. As long as God's will prevails, that's all that matters.