
Trying times...

The Israelites were commanded by God to be still when the cloud was present. This truth is certainly not lost on me. I think my husband was absolutely right. God may be trying to get my attention with this heavy, dark cloud He has allowed to come over me. I need to camp out, slow down and seek Him with everything in me until the cloud disappears.

I can’t say the cloud has completely lifted as of yet, but I can say with great confidence that I have met with the Creator of the Universe in my dark, cloudy day and He has shown me great fire to light the darkness. When He blacked out the rest of the world, He slowed me down so I could focus on His promises. He has shown me Light in this darkness that I would not have seen had I not experienced the cloud. If you have a cloud hovering over you today, seek Him. He is in the darkness and He is waiting to meet with you. In fact, the cloud could be His blessed invitation to meet one on one with Him! What a privilege!

(This is an excerpt from a devotional by Leslie Nease, from Crosswalk.com. Please click on the link to read the full devotional.)

These past few weeks have certainly been very trying, to say the least. I’ve been frustrated, anxious, and short-fused. It certainly feels like there’s a cloud hovering over me, and I can’t seem to shake it off.

I read this devotional today. “Cloudy days” definitely come at such unexpected times, and it definitely has for me, but I certainly agree with the writer of this devotional, in that, God is trying to get my attention, to be still and to seek Him. I’ve been so pre-occupied with other things, I’ve been sort of putting my time with Him in the back-burner. Maybe that’s why my life seems chaotic right now. On my drive to work this morning, I actually cried out to Him and asked for a break, a room to breathe. This devotional was a very timely reminder.