
Counting sheep.

Still up and it's already 2:40am! Lots of things on my my mind. But I know I need to get some sleep to get to church early tomorrow. My throat still hurts from sipping the hot sinigang soup my mom made for dinner. I'm pretty sure my tonsils got burned too. Anyway, enough of that. Going to get some water to drink then, I'll attempt to sleep. Night.

-- Posted from my iPhone



Here's my first post, from my iPhone! I love this app!

-- Posted from my iPhone


Feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I'd like to stop feeling this way. Lord Jesus, help me understand and know Your will more. Today, I've been battling bouts of sadness and, most of all, homesickness. I have been missing Toronto lately, especially my friends that I've left behind. I'd like to go back and visit, but due to circumstances beyond my control, I'm not able to... yet. I really need to keep on trusting the Lord and His will. I posted about cloud hovering above me on my previous post. I know that I need to get my focus back on God, His work and His will in my life. I really need to be still and let Him guide me, teach me, refine me.


Trying out a different font. Hmm...


Trying times...

The Israelites were commanded by God to be still when the cloud was present. This truth is certainly not lost on me. I think my husband was absolutely right. God may be trying to get my attention with this heavy, dark cloud He has allowed to come over me. I need to camp out, slow down and seek Him with everything in me until the cloud disappears.

I can’t say the cloud has completely lifted as of yet, but I can say with great confidence that I have met with the Creator of the Universe in my dark, cloudy day and He has shown me great fire to light the darkness. When He blacked out the rest of the world, He slowed me down so I could focus on His promises. He has shown me Light in this darkness that I would not have seen had I not experienced the cloud. If you have a cloud hovering over you today, seek Him. He is in the darkness and He is waiting to meet with you. In fact, the cloud could be His blessed invitation to meet one on one with Him! What a privilege!

(This is an excerpt from a devotional by Leslie Nease, from Crosswalk.com. Please click on the link to read the full devotional.)

These past few weeks have certainly been very trying, to say the least. I’ve been frustrated, anxious, and short-fused. It certainly feels like there’s a cloud hovering over me, and I can’t seem to shake it off.

I read this devotional today. “Cloudy days” definitely come at such unexpected times, and it definitely has for me, but I certainly agree with the writer of this devotional, in that, God is trying to get my attention, to be still and to seek Him. I’ve been so pre-occupied with other things, I’ve been sort of putting my time with Him in the back-burner. Maybe that’s why my life seems chaotic right now. On my drive to work this morning, I actually cried out to Him and asked for a break, a room to breathe. This devotional was a very timely reminder.



...I haven't updated this blog (nor any other blog) in a very long time. I believe I've been spending so much time on Facebook, an intervention is in order. Yes, I admit it. Isn't that the first step towards recovery, anyway? Acknowledge that you have a problem. OK, my FB fixation is actually not as bad as it used to be. The funny thing is, those who pointed out to me that I spent too much time on FB, how did they know? If they knew that I spent a lot of time of FB, wouldn't that mean that they spent a lot of time on there as well? ;)

OK, so I've decided to update this blog. What do I write about? I suppose I'll just begin with today's events. Nothing much went on today, unfortunately. It's my usual week day - woke up late, went in to work around 1pm, and I'm still here! Yes, working late on a Friday night. I should go out and do something. But alas, funds are short. Pay day's not until Monday, so I'll have to wait 'til then. But first off, must pay the bills, etc... then I can whoop it up. Incredibly jealous that my friend, Sherry is somewhere in New England right now, watching Rockapella, one of my favourite music groups in the world. Actually, she's probably at the Meet-and-Greet right now, giving the boys the homemade cookies that she had baked for them. I haven't traveled to see Rockapella in a while. The last time I actually traveled far to see one of their shows was 2002, in New York. Those were my crazy, groupie days. Only reason I would want to travel again is because one of the members, Kevin Wright, who's become my favourite and who's always been awesome towards me every time we see each other, is leaving the group at the end of the year, and I would like to see as much of him, on stage, as possible, before he leaves. He's great, lovely voice, fantastic personality. A lot of people will miss his presence when he leaves. I guess I'll just have to wait 'til December to see him for the very last time.

Anyway, it's been quite a hectic few weeks for me at work. I work at a music school, and we just started a new semester, which means, new classes (private and group), new students, and the lot. I've been working 6-day work weeks for the past few weeks because of that. Two more weeks to go, and hopefully I can breathe again. I need some sort of distraction, thank God for my annual Disneyland pass. I'm looking forward to going again after all of this, and hopefully, Boyz II Men in Nov! Now, I just need to get through the next couple of weeks.

Tomorrow, I plan to sleep in and hang out at home. Then, I have to head over to our church to set up for our church anniversary celebration this coming Sunday. My church is celebrating its 16th year! We're putting things together very last-minute because our original plans for celebration (a church camp) fell through because of the fires in the San Bernardino mountains last summer (the camp site has been temporarily closed down). So, our celebration this year will be very small and intimate, which suits me just fine. Praise God for his faithfulness and allowing his work at Olive to continue for 16 years now! May He be glorified as we celebrate on Sunday!

Alright, time to head home (yup, still at work). Will veg in front of the TV tonight. Maybe catch up on my Netflix movies. I have "Doctor Who" Series 4, Episodes 1-4 sitting on my desk.