I didn’t have the opportunity to attend Comic Con in San Diego this weekend. I’ve never attended one before, but have always been curious. My urge to go really started right after seeing “The Lord of the Rings – The Fellowship of the Ring”. Since then, I’ve always toyed with the idea of going to this convention one day.
I didn’t really make any particular plans to go to Comic Con this year. However, my cousin, Joyce, mentioned that she and our friend Marty were thinking of purchasing a one-day pass to check it out, and she asked me if I wanted to come along. It was a very tempting notion. I told her that I would seriously think about going. A couple of weeks before Comic Con started, I found out that Zachary Quinto (Sylar from “Heroes” and Spock from “Star Trek” the movie) was going to be at the convention. That kinda upped the ante for me. So, I snooped around some more to see who else was going to be at Con, and that’s how I found out that David Tennant, Barty Crouch, Jr. from “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”, but more notably, the 10th Doctor in the most successful and longest-running sci-fi TV show ever, “Doctor Who” was going to be there! My mind exploded! I’m a fairly new “Who” fan, it probably started late last year. I stumbled upon it on a local PBS station whilst channel-surfing. At the time, it was still Christopher Eccleston (Claude from “Heroes”, Destro in the upcoming “G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra” movie), playing the enigmatic Time Lord. I was immediately hooked! I had a Netflix account at the time, so I decided to catch myself up with the series. I fell in love! Chris only stayed for 1 season (he and Russell T. Davies revived the show, which had been lying dormant since the 80’s). Then, David came along, and I was gone! I couldn’t get enough of it! I have officially joined the exclusive society of geeks and nerds when I discovered this show!
Anyway, I digress. I couldn’t believe that David was going to Con, along with Russell T. Davies (main “Who” writer), and John Barrowman, who plays Capt. Jack Harkness in “Doctor Who” and, eventually, it’s spin-off “Torchwood” – another fave of mine). My indecisiveness about going to SDCC was quickly replaced with determination! I wanted to go to Con! I just need to find out about getting a pass on the day David and the “Doctor Who”/”Torchwood” folks would be at panel, which was last Sunday. I checked the Comic Con website again to find out more details, only to find out that all passes, both for the weekend and day passes, were SOLD OUT! Waaaahhh!!!! I wanted to cry so bad! I possibly have missed my only chance to see David Tennant in person! When am I ever going to London or Cardiff? Not anytime soon, that’s for sure! Needless to say, I was devastated. So, no DT, RTD and JB for me.
Then, I saw Jonathan Ross’ (”Friday Night with Jonathan Ross”) tweet on Twitter last Thursday, mentioning that he had just landed at LAX, with the lovely David Tennant, and they were on their way to San Diego. I just about keeled over! David was in Southern California! Breathing the same smog-filled air as I am! Again, I nearly cried! (So dramatic, I know!)
So, basically, this past weekend was torture for me. I had turned into a complete and utter geek this past weekend. Thanks to other “Who” fans who posted pics of DT, RTD and JB, and videos of “the kiss” and the “Doctor Who” panel, I felt a bit better for not being there in person. Still, it would’ve been such a thrill for me to have seen my lovely favourites in person. I’m hoping that DT, RTD and JB would go to Gallifrey One, which is a “Doctor Who” convention held here in Los Angeles! One can only hope!
Here’s a pic
My lovely Doctor, camping it up for the camera at Comic Con! (photo courtesy of Jonathan Ross)
David Tennant poses with Jonathan Ross' friend and co-producer, at Comic Con (David's the one in blue). Millenium Falcon shirt, FTW! (photo from Jonathan Ross)
I hope Jonathan Ross doesn’t mind me posting the pics. They ARE all over the internet by now! LOL
This takes the cake though… I fell to the floor, much like John Barrowman did here on this video! Crazy fools!
And here are the videos taken of the “Doctor Who” panel.
PLEASE NOTE: These videos aren’t mine. Credit goes to the owners of course. Thank you for sharing!
you should have given me a call, I could have gotten you in. we had an extra badge. I've been going since 2001-2. I bought my passes for next year already.
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