
Rockapella Concert - Lewis Family Playhouse, Rancho Cucamonga, Ca - June 14, 2009

This was actually a show that I wanted to go to, but just neglected to purchase a ticket in advance for. I headed over to Rancho Cucamonga around 5:30pm. There wasn’t much traffic at all on the way and I got there without a hitch. I parked my car and then headed to the box office to purchase my ticket. Thankfully, there were quite a few tickets left, so I picked where I wanted to sit, paid for it, then with a few minutes to spare, headed over to Forever 21 and bought myself a cute pair sandals, which I immediately wore. After I made my purchase, I headed back to the theater and freshened up in the bathroom. Walked in to the theatre, found my seat, and just waited. I sent Sherry a quick text to find out where she was. I look up, looked towards the front and found her on the 2nd row, somewhere in the middle.

The show was great, as usual. But for some strange reason, it was just a little more sentimental for me this time around. I was enjoying it a little bit more, more than usual & I was singing along to pretty much every song. When they sang, “California Sad-Eyed Girl”, I got very teary-eyed. Kevin sang it so beautifully! It tugged at my heart-strings. I’m still getting a bit teary just thinking about it. The off-mic stuff was just plain incredible! I kept trying to hear Jeff’s part. I know exactly what part he sings and try to hear it. But he blends so well with everyone though, it’s really hard to hear him.

After the show, I wandered around for a bit, and then proceeded to head outside, just for some fresh air. As I was walking out, I saw out of the corner of my eye, someone who looked very familiar. I couldn’t see his face that well because he had his hat on. I kept walking closer to the door, then, finally looked and realized it was Jake Moulton, former vocal percussionist and baritone of m-pact (my other favorite a cappella group), now with The House Jacks! I stepped out for a bit, to make a phone call, then walked back in and decide to look for Sherry and co. On my way to look for Sherry, I walked past Jake, but didn’t have the guts to say “hi” to him at the time, as I didn’t want to bother him. I just went and looked for Sherry.

I saw Wendy & Jeff again, gave them a quick hug, and then, found Sherry with her other friends, whom I hadn’t met before. Quick introductions were made and then we just stood in line, waiting to say “hi” to Pella. As I got closer, I decided to get out of the line, and give other people a chance to say “hi” to them. I have seen them a couple of days prior anyway, so that was enough for me. I waited behind the rope (their MnG table was roped off) and watched Sherry introduce one of her friends, and first time Rockapella concert-goer, to the guys. I did manage to do my wave/smile combo to both JB and Geo, and then, Kevin. I gave a quick wave to Jeff, who said “hi” back. Talked a little bit with another friend of Sherry’s (his name escapes me at the moment), then decided to leave. As I was saying my goodbyes to the new Pella friends I had met, I saw Jake Moulton again, walking towards me this time. I decided to just go up and say “hi” to him. I said, “Hello, Jake. Just wanted to come up and say, ‘hi’.” He smiled and shook my hand, very firmly, and held it for a while. He then, asked me what my name was, so I said, “My name is Aura.” Then, something clicked in his head, I guess. He said that he remembers me. At first, he thought my name was “Aura Lee” then he realized it was the title of a song. LOL Anyway, I told him that I’m a huge fan, and had seen m-pact quite a few times, and he is my other favorite vocal percussionist, besides Jeff. (And that is the truth!) We talked for quite a bit, asked him why he left m-pact, how he got the gig with The House Jacks, where he went to school, Kickshaw (which he founded), his vocal problems (poor thing, he’s having a hard time singing!). I told him that he needs to take care of his voice because it is just beautiful (another truth!). It was quite a long, and enjoyable (for my part, at least!) conversation. We must’ve been talking for at least a half-hour. He said that he was there to see Jeff, with whom he’s been friends for a long time. He also said that he’s been a fan of Rockapella since the “Spike Lee & Co.: Do it, A Cappella” days, and wanted to do what they’re doing. I thought that was really cool. Finally, Jeff approached us, and I suppose he was quite surprised to see me talking to Jake (or vice versa). So, he asked Jake, “Do you know this young lady?” Jake said that he did know me. Then, he looked at me and asked, “So, are you a fan of his many, many groups?” So, I told him that I am. Then, they started making plans, so I excused myself, so they could plan where they were going. But before I got a chance to walk away, Jeff grabbed me and gave me a hug, another nice one, and said, “Thanks for coming, sweetie. It’s always good to see you.” I said that it was good to see him too, and that I will see him again at the next gig. I tried to pull away, but he was hanging on tight, so I stayed there, in his arms, for a little bit. Then, I finally wiggled my way out, and looked over to Jake and said, “It was nice talking to you.” Offered to shake his hand. I’m not sure if I was imagining it, but he just stood there, looking at me, with arms wide open. I guess, he wanted a hug, so I said, “Oh, let me give you a hug too!” So, we hugged it out. He gives good hugs too. ;) Then, as I walked away, I reminded him to get to working on booking gigs for The House Jacks here in the Los Angeles area (which is his job, booking gigs) and he said that he would.

I went to find Sherry one last time to say “bye”, found her talking to Scott, so I stood there for a bit and listened in on their conversation until Scott finally had to leave. He gave me a hug. Then, he was off.

As I walked out, I, all of a sudden, realized that I was sandwiched between my two most favorite vocal percussionists in the entire world! Wow! I couldn’t believe it! I was walking towards Starbucks, thinking to myself, “Jeff and Jake just gave me hugs!” Soooo looney! A very memorable Rockapella/m-pact/The House Jacks rendezvous, indeed!