
I feel like I’ve been gone so long…

I’m contemplating on whether I should go to the gym after work or head on over to Starbucks and prepare my lesson plan for Sunday school. I am feeling a bit sluggish today, partly because of the weather, and partly because laziness is slowly creeping in. Maybe I’ll study for a bit and then head over to the gym, they close late anyway.

I’m really excited about starting up our Wednesday Bible study again. We took a bit of a break right after the two weddings (April’s and Babie’s), and somehow it seemed like we were going to be on hiatus… permanently. But, praise God that He didn’t allow that to happen and impressed upon the heart of Pastor Rico Almiranez (PCC-Fountain Valley) to help us get it started again. I do miss our old set-up, doing inductive Bible study. However, I see how it can be a bit of a deterrent to others who are not part of our little circle. It would be hard for someone to kind of join in, and could completely get lost in what we’re talking about. We’re hoping that this new set-up would be a bit more “seeker-friendly”, since we are doing more of topical discussions which are relevant to what we’re going through as young adults/adults, and its practical applications. We’ve even brought back “praise and worship” time, which is nice because it helps us focus on Christ and be in tune with the Holy Spirit. Not to mention the fact that I’m starting to play my guitar again! It’s been collecting dust for the past few months! I pray that God will continue to give us the desire and the commitment, as well as give us the opportunity to invite people to come and join us, especially those who are seeking for more than what this world can offer.

Last Sunday, I, along with Cat, her parents, and Lawrence, was able to spend lunch with good friends/family that I haven’t seen in a while. April and Jeremy were down here in the So Cal area from their honeymoon in Malaysia, so we got to spend lunch with them, along with Babie and Mike, whom I haven’t seen in a while as well. It’s always nice to see good friends and spend time with them even if only for a little bit. These people are definitely a blessing to me, as they have been used by God, in one way or another, in encouraging me in my walk with Him.

For my brothers and sisters, I would like to share some prayer requests, if I may:

  • Papers – most of you know what this is all about. Continue to pray for God’s will, and for patience on my part.
  • Teaching Sunday school – I’ve been asked to take over the junior high and high school class. Pray for commitment on my part, and the kids’ desire to learn more about God.
  • Finances – God always provides. Pray that I will continue to trust that He will provide, and to be a good steward of what He has already provided, and to live within my means (which is not always easy, especially in this materialistic world)and lastly (and people will be shocked that I’m being open about this):
  • God’s will for me as far as a partner in life is concerned. To be honest, I haven’t really been praying about this and I haven’t felt the urgency, until now. Although, I have to say, I’m not desperate, but if it’s God’s will that I be married, I pray that He will continue to prepare me and whoever He has in store for me, until He feels that it’s time for us to meet. (Okay, ya’ll can pick up your jaws off the floor! LOL)

Before I forget, tomorrow is my cousin Emmeline’s (a.k.a. “Nini”) birthday. Happy Birthday, Ni! Have fun in the Philippines!

Nov 26 - rendezvous with NKOTB at the Staples Center! (Thanks, Sherry!)