
And they say it never rains here…

Well, it’s been raining here in “sunny” So Cal for the past 2 days. It couldn’t have come in the most opportune time. My car was due for a wash. I saved $6.50! What a blessing! hehe

It’s been insanely busy at work these past couple of weeks. I haven’t had time to breathe. It’s enrollment time, we’re starting new classes, so the phones have been ringing off the hook, the place has been swarmed by people, coming in, inquiring and signing up their children for music lessons. I can’t wait until November, when everything finally settles down. But of course, October is Recital month, so we’ve got alot on our plates. Pray for me, that I hold up until the end of this year. Being busy is really good for business though. I just need a vacation, that’s all. Someone send me somewhere, anywhere.

These past few weeks, God has been teaching me a lot about trusting Him. Most of the things that I’ve been experiencing make me realize how much I really trust God. It’s easy to say that I trust Him, but it’s a lot harder to do, and for the past couple of weeks, He’s really been stretching me in this area of my life. Praise God!

I praise God as well for my accountability time with Audrey tonight. I’m excited for the things that God has in store for her. God has given her the opportunity to live out her purpose, through helping out a new-found friend. God has amazing plans and I’m confident that He will see it through.

Well, I should be getting some sleep now. Another day of work awaits me when I wake up, Lord-willing.