While our picture was being taken, I could hear Kevin telling the guys that we’re a singing group and that we had just sung for him. Scott asked him what we sang and Kevin told him it was “Why Do Fools Fall in Love?”. He told Scott we sounded great! How incredible was that?! After the meet-n-greet, we all headed over to Denny’s down the street to grab a late dinner. On our drive down there, my cousin Christine put on my Rockapella CD, rolled down her window and turned up the volume! We all started singing at the top of our lungs, it was insane! We got to Denny’s and even sang “Zombie Jamboree” for our waitress! We were on such a high that night, singing for Kevin and all. Definitely one of my best Rockapella moments ever!
Rockapella Concert - The Key Club, West Hollywood, CA - April 12, 2001
I was making my way through the 101 Fwy to get to West Hollywood when I got a phone call from April asking me where I was. I told her that I was trying to make my way to The Key Club. I was supposed to meet up with her and Jeremy so that we could go and watch Rockapella do their sound check. While on the phone, April was telling me that Bear had just gotten dropped off by his mom, right in front of them. I thought that was so cute. Can you imagine Barry saying bye to his mom after getting dropped off? Too adorable! Anyway, I got to The Key Club, parked my car, and walked towards the entrance. As I was walking, I noticed Barry was talking to a group of women, one of which is Stacey, who I recognized from the back. As I approached their group, Barry looked up and saw me, smiled, and gave me one of those cutesy waves. When I reached them, I tapped Stacey on the shoulder and we hugged. Then Bear said hello to me and gave me a hug as well, said that I was "lookin' good", and told me to go right in and that they were waiting for me. I went in and found April and Jeremy, along with Angela and Sherry and other diehards inside watching Scott do his mic check. I saw Jeff on stage as well, working with his little sound board for his sound-spots and microphone. They did a quick run-through for of “I Am Your Man” and we all started dancing! After the sound check, I got a phone call from home, so I decided to head back. While walking to the parking lot with April and Jeremy, we saw Scott and Kevin outside in their rental cars and we said hi to Kevin who seemed to be surprised seeing us for some reason. I returned to The Key Club that night with my other cousin Christine and our friend Cat. The show was enjoyable as usual. The guys were in rare form and seemed to have taken a dip in the “naughty pool”. Kevin, during the Pretty Woman segment, was being particularly animated and kept shaking his butt, so April let out a “smack that thang!” which caused Kevin to shoot a look at our direction and continued on shaking his thang! LOL And this was also the show where Barry, as he was singing “60 Minute Man”, knelt down in front of the diehards who were in the front row (which included me by the way), and the girls stuffed dollar-bills down his pocket. That was the most hilarious thing I have ever witnessed! After he had collected the dollar-bills, he took them out of his pocket and started handing them out to the rest of the guys, and whatever was left, he threw them into the audience, one of which landed right on my left hand! All I did was held out my hand and the dollar-bill just landed on it! I thought that was too cool (unfortunately, I wasn’t able to keep the dollar bill)! After the show, we all headed downstairs to their bar area, and we waited for the guys to come out for the meet-and-greet. We saw Jeff first, and we went over to say hi to him and had him sign our posters. We didn’t get to talk to him much, just the usual, “hi, hello, nice to see you, etc”, as there were so many people that wanted to say "hi" to him, and apparently some of his LA friends were there, so we were snubbed for the night. Oh well, such is the life eh? LOL Anyway, we looked around for another pella and saw Kevin. So my cousins and I (a.k.a In Harmony) went up to him and we had him sign our CDs and posters. For some reason, he asked us if we were a singing group (I don't know why he thought to ask, I guessed we looked like a singing group to him or something). I told him as a matter of fact we were. So, he asked us to sing for him. We sang the most recent a cappella song that we had learned, “Why Do Fools Fall In Love?” with me on the lead. He seemed to have liked it a lot, he had this huge grin on his face while we were singing. After we had sung, he somewhat teased me, saying that I was really getting into it. Of course I was! I just get in the zone every time I sing! C’mon Kevin! You should know how it is! ;) Anyway, he said that we sounded great and to keep it up. That was quite a highlight for me! While I was standing there, trying to figure out who to hunt down next, I noticed that Trist Curless from m-pact had just walked in, so I went up to him to say “hi” as I had just seen him the day before at their concert in Hermosa Beach (see April 11 – Rockapella Meet-n-Greet). He remembered me from the previous day and we chatted for a bit. It turns out that he and Jeff are good friends and that he actually would stay at Jeff’s place whenever he was out in New York, back in the day. We searched around for the rest of the Boys, found El, had him sign our Rockapella paraphernalia, then moved on to Bear who was standing next to him. I asked him about the burgundy suit that he wore at the Santa Barbara show that past December (the one that they filmed for PBS), and I complimented him on how good he really looked in the suit. He thanked me and told us that the suit was actually a Versace suit and he got to keep it! Very nice! ;)
We found Scott last, and we chatted with him a bit. The 4 of us took a picture with him (which is one of my favorite Rockapella pictures to this day), and then next thing we knew, Phil was telling everyone that The Key Club people needed for us to leave and that the guys needed to go. We looked at Scott and asked him if we could get a picture with the guys before they left. He said “sure!” and rounded up the rest of the guys for a picture with my cousins and me. 
While our picture was being taken, I could hear Kevin telling the guys that we’re a singing group and that we had just sung for him. Scott asked him what we sang and Kevin told him it was “Why Do Fools Fall in Love?”. He told Scott we sounded great! How incredible was that?! After the meet-n-greet, we all headed over to Denny’s down the street to grab a late dinner. On our drive down there, my cousin Christine put on my Rockapella CD, rolled down her window and turned up the volume! We all started singing at the top of our lungs, it was insane! We got to Denny’s and even sang “Zombie Jamboree” for our waitress! We were on such a high that night, singing for Kevin and all. Definitely one of my best Rockapella moments ever!
While our picture was being taken, I could hear Kevin telling the guys that we’re a singing group and that we had just sung for him. Scott asked him what we sang and Kevin told him it was “Why Do Fools Fall in Love?”. He told Scott we sounded great! How incredible was that?! After the meet-n-greet, we all headed over to Denny’s down the street to grab a late dinner. On our drive down there, my cousin Christine put on my Rockapella CD, rolled down her window and turned up the volume! We all started singing at the top of our lungs, it was insane! We got to Denny’s and even sang “Zombie Jamboree” for our waitress! We were on such a high that night, singing for Kevin and all. Definitely one of my best Rockapella moments ever!
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