
Rockapella Concert - The Starlight Bowl, Burbank, CA - August 8, 1999

This was my first Rockapella show ever. It's been a while so I can't remember the concert in detail. However, there were things that stood out in my mind regarding that evening: Jeff's VP solo, the beach ball on stage, and Scott's pants. Jeff's VP solo: The man has an amazing talent! This was the first time I had ever seen him do his VP solo so you can imagine my amazement. I'm surprised that the man doesn't pass out or pop a vein after every show! How he can do that night after night is beyond me. He is truly gifted. The beach ball: I think this happened during "Dancing in the Streets." Some fan threw a beach ball on stage and what was impressive was that the guys never even broke their concentration or missed a beat while playing around with the beach ball on stage, tossing it back and forth with each other. It was quite entertaining to watch. Scott's pants: One of my friends, who came along with us, and was a Rocka-virgin, commented on how Scott made Dockers look good. As I recall, Scott was wearing a dark-grey, short-sleeved buttoned-up shirt (think Fox News Network appearance in '99), and light-grey pants. He did look good that day, I must say (but then again, he looks good ALL the time - LOL). It was also on that particular show where I first and last heard them perform "Lift Up." It was quite thrilling for me to hear them sing this song and I was a little bit upset that I missed the first verse because my friend and I were stuck at the Bowl's concession stand. The lady behind the counter decided to take her sweet, precious time to give us our change, which caused us to miss the opening of "Lift Up." I almost made a scene because I was yelling at my friend to hurry up before we miss the whole song altogether. I guess you can say I was showing signs of a potential Rockapella diehard! LOL