
Transitions: My first post for 2009!

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! I can’t believe I haven’t posted since the year started. It just so happened that things were quite hectic for the past 3 weeks. I know that a new year means new beginnings, but it also brings endings. The past 3 weeks saw 4 family friends that have gone home to be with Jesus. Our beloved deacon, and father to my dear friends, Babie and Cathy, Uncle Boy Paalam, passed away the week before the new year. Then, this past weekend, we said goodbye to the mom of my friends, Reushann and Kurtz, Tita (Auntie) Joyce Ison, who left us this past Tuesday. Last Thursday, I received a call from my friend, Ate Ruth (Diamsay) Dignadice, informing me that her father, Pastor Rudy Diamsay, passed away that morning. And yesterday morning, I received an e-mail from my college friend, Kristine (Cunanan), informing me that her mother, Tita Lydia Cunanan, passed away last Friday. What a way to start off the new year, you would think. But God always has a plan and a purpose of everything. In the book of Ecclesiastes, it states that there is a season to everything, a time to be born and a time to die (I’m paraphrasing, of course). We know this and we understand this. And what I saw was that all the families of these saints that went home to be with the Lord were prepared and are at peace with everything that happened. They know that their parents are no longer suffering from the illnesses that ravaged their earthly bodies, and that they are now in the presence of their Saviour, Jesus Christ. I know what they have gone through and are still about to go through because I have gone through it myself, almost 8 years ago, when my dad went home, permanently. Despite the fact that we are sad that we will not be with them here on earth, we rejoice in the fact, the truth actually, that we will see them again when we are all reunited in heaven! This hope can only be found in having Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour. Thank you, Jesus! Let’s keep praying for my friends as they go through the “grieving” process (we are human, we still feel the loss). It gets easier as the years go on, but it takes a while. Let’s pray that the God of all comfort will minister to them in the coming days, months, years.

It has been quite the transition for me, personally, as well from 2008 to 2009. As I had mentioned in my previous post, I became the Music Director of Olive Christian Church, a position that was once filled by my dad. For those of who don’t know, my dad was a church music director for the majority of his life. He served at our church in the Philippines (Pasay Baptist Church) for 20 years before we migrated to Canada. In Toronto, he became the music director there as well, for 5 years. We then moved to the United States, where my dad served as choir director at First Southern Baptist Church in Pasadena, CA for a few months and then became Olive’s music director from 1997 until his death in 2001. You would think it was just inevitable for me to step into his shoes. But, actually, I never really thought that I would be a Music Director at a church. When I decided to major in Music Education in college (Biola University!), I wanted to be a performer. I wanted to be on stage, singing, performing. Becoming a Music Director at a church was probably the last option. Fast-forward almost 11 years later, here I am! LOL When I first started, I was a bit apprehensive. There were so many things that are going through my head. And to be honest, I was a bit disappointed with some of the reactions I received when I shared to people the news. But ultimately, I know that God called me, so He’s the only one that I’m doing this for. He will bring people who will partner with me in this ministry, so now I’m not worried. And I see how God’s working right now, and I’m very encouraged! So, continue to pray for me, and for the Music Ministry, that God will use it to be the “shot-in-the-arm” our church needs, a revival so-to-speak.

Well, I think I’ll end this here. I should be getting as much sleep as I can. I’m still recovering from the flu that hit me this weekend. I didn’t really make any resolutions for 2009, but I suppose sleeping early should be on top of my list. My sleeping patterns are just out of whack! No wonder I get sick so easily! Anyway, I’m off to bed. Good night!