

I’m counting down the minutes ’til the end of the day. And what a day it has been! It’s our first week back from summer break so everyone’s been coming in or calling in to pay tuition fees, and finding new schedules for their lessons and such. Of course, we get the occasional irate parent complaining about late fees, etc… Argh! All the phone lines were ringing simultaneously and I’ve been answering inquiries all day today, I sound like a broken record! Anyway, thank God that the day is almost done! I actually have a few minutes to spare before heading in to do a presentation. In about 14 hours, I’ll be doing this all over again… FUN! I know I complain, but I love being busy. I can’t wait for October though. I finally get to take an actual holiday in years! During the first week of October, I will be heading to New York, along with family, to attend a cousin’s wedding, and some R-n-R in NYC! I haven’t been back to NYC since 2002, so I’m really excited about this trip. The past few times I’ve traveled out-of-town were usually for gigs, so they weren’t really actual holidays. I wish I could stay longer, but I need to be back at work right away because of the new semester that’s starting in October. *sigh*

I have beef with Starbucks by the way, and it’s about the new cups for their cold drinks. They’re actually using some sort of material that’s 15% less plastic, but it’s not very flexible at all, I have a hard time sticking the straw through the lid! And the lids aren’t very secure at all. This is unacceptable! I’m about to write them an e-mail expressing my dissatisfaction with the new plastic cups. *throws a fist up in the air*

I still have to get my hands on a copy of Heroes Season 2 DVD. Season 3’s coming up in 2 weeks, and I’m very excited! Apparently, a lot of the characters that I thought were gone forever are returning this season, including Claude (The Invisible Man, a.k.a. Christopher Eccleston, a.k.a. Doctor Who! - did you see how I managed to bring it back to Doctor Who? LOL). Ahhh, geekdom… :)