

All weekend long, I’ve been frustrated with my laptop. “Why?” you ask. Well, a virus infiltrated it. And the worst part, and I’m not really proud of it, it’s all my fault! I tried to download something from the internet, and that’s what I get! Argh! I tried calling Dell’s technical support and ask them to walk me through reformatting my laptop. However, they said that since I bought the laptop at Best Buy, they have a deal with Best Buy that all tech support of all comps bought at Best Buy would be done by their “Geek Squad”. So, I tried calling Best Buy’s Geek Squad and asked if they could walk me through reformatting my laptop, and guess what they told me? Call Dell’s technical support! Ummm… OK. I mentioned to the lady on the other end of the line that I had already done that and they suggested that I call Best Buy. I asked her what to do at this point, so she suggested that I should take my laptop into a Best Buy store and ask them to reformat it for me. However, it would not be covered by the Performance Warranty that I purchased when I first bought my laptop. I should ask if it would be covered by the Manufacturer’s Warranty. OK, all this song-and-dance it’s a bit frustrating. I just need someone to help me reformat my laptop. After an hour on the phone (on hold, most of the time), I decided to take matters into my own hands and did a System Restore on my laptop. Thank the Lord, it looks like it worked! I couldn’t believe I spent an hour on the phone, and I didn’t get any help at all, and all I did was a click of the mouse, and it seemed to have fixed (I’m thinking temporarily) the problem! I really hope the problem won’t come back (Lord, please.).

Anyway, enough of my laptop woes. I’m gonna get some dinner. Watching Anthony Bourdain eating authentic Chinese food (in China, of course) is making me really hungry. I love his show, by the way, and Samantha Brown’s as well. I like pretty much every show that the Travel Channel airs. Yes, even Bizarre Foods! LOL