
From one of the topical studies that I read today - “The Vital Importance of Biblical Discernment” by John MacArthur (a.k.a. “Johnny Mac”) Just wanted to share with all my brothers and sisters. Here are a couple of excerpts

“…discernment is an area where most Christians stumble. They exhibit
little ability to measure the things they are taught against the infallible
standard of God’s Word, and they unwittingly engage in all kinds of unbiblical
decision-making and behavior. In short, they are not armed to take a decidedly
biblical stand against the onslaught of unbiblical thinking and attitudes that
face them throughout their day.”

“Discernment, the ability to think biblically about all areas of
life, is indispensable to an uncompromising life. It is incumbent upon the
Christian to seize upon the discernment that God has provided for in His
precious truth! Without it, Christians are at risk of being “tossed here and
there by waves, and carried about by every wind of doctrine” (Ephesians