
Be careful...

Just a reminder to my Christian brothers and sisters, be careful in making the distinction between being geniunely spiritual and being spiritually arrogant. Your best testimony is the way you live your life, and not how much you know. You don’t need to announce to the world that you are spiritual, you know so much about the Bible, Christianity, etc. If you are truly a student of the word of God and truly growing in the faith, it will manifest in the way you live your life, and not just in the words you speak. I’m not saying that learning about what you believe is wrong. Having knowledge about God, His son Jesus Christ, and about living the life is great, but if what you’re learning doesn’t manifest in the way you live and manage your life, then you need to look at yourself in the mirror. It’s easy to “pretend” to be a solid Christian. I’ve been down that road before, that is why I urge you to be careful.