
My Bay area trip.

The weekend of Father’s Day (June 14th-18th), Papuri went up to the Bay area for another series of concerts at different churches. I always look forward to these things because 1) I love to sing, 2) I love to sing for the Lord, 3) I love to travel, so I’m able to do all these things all at once. Sunday night was particularly exciting. We sang at a church in San Leandro. It was probably one of the most receptive and responsive crowds we’ve ever had. What a blessing these people were! I was also able to reconnect with people from my childhood like Pastor Gilbert Villapa, who has been friends with my parents since their Baptist Hour Choir days in the Philippines. He remembered me when I was 5 years old! Crazy.

We took some pictures, some of which are posted on my Myspace page. Crazy bunch of people! I had a great time. I missed my family though especially during Father’s day. But God had a purpose for me being in the Bay area that weekend.

I’ll continue this tomorrow…