
Staring at the clock, watching the time pass by.

I’m sitting here at work, staring at the clock, wishing it was 8pm already, so that I can get off work. *sigh* This week has been hectic so far, since it’s tuition payment time, so phones have been ringing off the hook, and parents have been coming in to make payments. But of course, we get the occasional complaint and it just makes for a very interesting day altogether. Today’s no exception. But hey, it comes along with the job. Can’t please everyone.

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve found myself reunited with my highschool friends, ever since joining Facebook. Yeah, I know, as if having both Myspace and Friendster is not enough, I sign up for Facebook! haha It’s really cool finding some of my old friends from Midland C.I. (in Scarborough, a.k.a. “Scarberia”, Ontario, Canada), and finding out what they’ve been up to since we’ve left Midland.

I’m currently killing “Makes Me Wonder” by Maroon 5 on my iTunes playlist. I dig that song a lot. I like the funkiness of it.

OK, I have nothing more to say… Peace.