
Long time, no post.

First, let me get this out of the way…..

ENGLAND LOST!!!!! to Portugal. ARGH!!!!!! I’m absolutely bummed. Beckham’s injury better have been legitimate otherwise, I would be very disappointed with him that he had to leave the game earlier on. Rooney lost his cool, he got a red card, ergo (did I just say ’ergo’?), England had to play 1 man short towards the end of the 2nd half. Not good, not good at all. The match came down to PKs (Penalty Kicks), and that’s where they missed Becks’ presence terribly (they didn’t call the movie “Bend it Like Beckham” for no reason!). Poor Robinson, couldn’t block Portugal’s PKs, it was horrible. Those are dem breaks. *sigh*

Okay, I’m over that. Anyway, the weekend was pretty relaxing. Went over to my uncle and aunt’s house in Arcadia for a swim. Needless to say, I got a tan. Not too dark though, but yeah, I got some sun. I can’t wait until this coming weekend, I’ll be heading up to Santa Maria with Papuri to sing at a convention. It’s only going to be for 1 night (Friday), and then Saturday, we head back to Los Angeles. Quickie getaway. I wish it could be longer, but I’ll take what I can get. There’s always Vegas in August with the cousins and the rest of the A-dubs. No gambling, just watching some shows. I can’t wait.

Did anyone see the BET Awards last week? Anyway, I have to commend Kirk Franklin for his acceptance speech. You have to know that in most awards ceremonies, a lot of people would say, “I’d like to thank my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for without Him, I won’t be here…” or some variation of the same sentiment. I think that’s great, and if it was geniunely said, from the heart then, more power to you. But Kirk changed it up a bit, and instead of saying the same thing, he said, “Jesus, I wanna thank you, NOT with the words I say, but with the way I live.” And I think that just got me. You can talk the talk, but if you don’t walk the walk, it don’t matter. Anyway, that just stuck with me. And I commend him for saying that, especially knowing what he’d gone through recently, God really refined him, and I have to say, I believe Kirk when he said his acceptance speech… I have to mention the Chaka Khan tribute too. I almost passed out when I saw Prince and Stevie Wonder playing lead guitar and the keys for Chaka’s tribute respectively. That gave me goosebumps. I’d have to echo host Damon Wayans’ sentiments when he said that he couldn’t handle that much talent on one stage. I loved that tribute. Musicians, GREAT musicians, doing their thang. And then after the commercial break, Ne-yo came on and sang his song. How anti-climactic was that? LOL It paled in comparison to what just happened before the commercial break.

Well, I’m baby-sitting the younger cousins today. I’m gonna drag them along with me to Papuri rehearsal tonight. Don’t know what the fam’s got planned for 4th of July yet. We’ll find out tomorrow. Anyway, hope everyone’s enjoying their 4th of July festivities! Thanks for putting up with my random musings.