
Much better.

OK, I'm feeling a lot better (thank you, Lord!). Not completely out of the funk, but better. If you prayed for me, thanks, I really appreciate it. It's just one of those days.

I went to see Les Miserables with Audrey, Chiz and Aud's friend, Lauren at the Pantages Theatre last night. This was only my second time seeing this musical, and I love it even more than when I first saw it. There were moments when I got goosebumps, especially when they sang "Do You Hear the People Sing?" It was a little sentimental because I sang that song with Papuri at a concert last summer. I wanted to sing it out loud and hit those high notes! haha "Bring Him Home" always gets me. The scene where Fantine comes back to Jean Valjean at the end, after Marius and Cosette's wedding was the scene that opened the floodgates for me. I just turned on the waterworks, I think because I can sort of relate to the situation, having lost my father not too long ago (and yesterday being Father's Day). Yeah, I couldn't help but tear up. But I enjoyed it immensely. Randal Keith was fantastic as Jean Valjean. Up next, RENT anyone?