
I had a very nice time this weekend. My family and I spent Friday night and all-day Saturday at an uncle and aunt’s home in Temecula. I really needed it, and it was great hanging out with my cousins, my mom, my aunts, my uncles, niece and nephew. The weekend retreat was a belated celebration of my Tito (Uncle in Filipino/Tagalog) Pepe and my cousin Newie’s birthdays.
Friday night was quite an adventure for my mom and I. My mom and I got lost on the way to the Temecula house. We had to drive on our own since my mom didn’t get off work until 10pm. We were doing quite well for most of the way until the last mile of our journey on the freeway. It became quite foggy all of a sudden, so I could not quite make out the exit signs. Needless to say, I lost track of where we were going. Usually, I would’ve just hopped back on the freeway and back-tracked, or try to find a major street and go from there, but the thick fog made it quite difficult. My fog lights couldn’t even penetrate through the thickness of the fog. Thankfully, my Uncle David and cousin Joyce were out doing a Jack in the Box run. I called my Uncle David and asked him to come get us at this little shopping plaza where I had decided to park at, lest I get completely lost in the thick fog. I never panic when I get lost. I’ve gotten lost quite a few times, at night mostly, but I’ve always managed to stay calm and just find my way. Friday night was the exception. Thanks fog!

When we got to the house, everyone was pretty much lounging around, just talking, playing and goofing around (well, the cousins were). My cousin Joyce, April and I ended up playing a board game called Cashflow which, we soon found out, was quite addicting, we were up ’til 4am playing the game.

Saturday - we went for brunch. Went back to the house and we continued to play Cashflow. Then some of us went to Thornton Winery. April, Christine and I did some wine-tasting, while the parents took a tour of the winery. Headed back home that night. And I just completely crashed soon as I hit the bed.

That was pretty much a holiday for me. I haven’t done anything nor gone anywhere in about a year. Just being out there with my family was great. I’d love to do it again some time soon! I thank God for my family. We’re not perfect, but we love, support and help each other. Wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world!

Achau’s Wishlist