
A new year is upon us.

Another year is drawing to a close. I can’t believe that in about 24 hours we will be ushering in 2006! There are so many things to be thankful for, but I wouldn’t bore anyone by listing it on this blog. However, I have to say that it’s been a good year. I think the most memorable part of 2005 for me would have to be the mission trip that I went to with my church group this past summer. It was definitely an eye-opening, faith-stretching experience. I pray for another opportunity to do that in 2006. Overall, I’m just grateful for family and friends – old and new – with whom I’ve grown and have learned from. I am grateful for those who have lifted me up in prayer, and who have continued to encourage me in my walk with Jesus. Looking forward to new and exciting things God has in store for the coming year!

To those who read my blog/journal/xanga, I just want to wish you all an amazing new year filled with blessings. May you experience the grace of God and get to know Him more intimately, and please continue to pray for me as I do the same.