
tag, you’re it.

Ant insisted that I do this, so here goes…

Ten Years Ago: I was finishing up on my OAC classes (Ontario Academic Courses), this was my last semester in high school. My parents and I were also getting ready to pack up and move to Los Angeles so we could be with family. I was dreading leaving Toronto. I had just gotten involved romantically with a boy and I didn’t want to end things with him as we had only been “talking” for about 6 months. I had a very painful, emotional first-half of the year, because I had to say my goodbyes to everyone - my friends, my church-family. I was leaving my life behind. It was a major leap of faith for my family, but most of all, for me. I had no choice but to completely put my trust in God. It was difficult. I was still immature in my faith, even though I had been a Christian for 12 years at that point in my life, in many ways, I was still a baby Christian.

Five years ago: I had to quit school due to my financial situation. I also had to leave my job at the school library so I found myself unemployed. But that was short-lived and my aunt got me a part-time job at the law firm where she works at. I started out as a “gopher”, driving around, picking up and dropping off files between all five offices, and then eventually, I was hired on a full-time basis as a legal assistant at the firm. The money was pouring in, and it seemed like everything in life was great, but I was miserable. I went on vacations, I splurged, thinking that the money will last, but God had other plans for me. I was becoming irresponsible, and was just downright selfish. I was putting up this façade, everything seemed to be alright on the outside, but on the inside I was just a complete and utter mess. God had had enough, I suppose, so He started teaching me a lesson. But I was stubborn, and continued on my downward spiral.

One year ago: I started feeling more comfortable in my own skin. God has given me a second lease in life, and He had blessed me with a job which came in the most opportune time. I was singing again, regularly, with my cousins and Papuri. I had finally faced up to the fact that I’m an adult, I have no more excuses. I have grown closer to God, and to my family. We had started our Young Adults Bible study at Olive which was truly a blessing in itself. My mom and I finally moved to a place of our own, yet another big leap of faith for us.

Yesterday: I woke up fairly late, watched Closer, and then headed off to Cerritos Towne Centre to read and study my Bible. Then, I headed over to work for a staff meeting, went home for a bit after that and then went to my cousins house for Bible study.

Five Snacks I Enjoy: (1) Flaming Hot Cheetos (2) Sour Cream and Onion Pringles (3) the edamame snacks that my co-worker gets from Trader Joe’s (4) black seed (sweet) snacks from Marukhai (5) TGIF’s Mozarella Sticks snacks

Five Songs I Know All the Words To: (1) “How Great Thou Art” (all verses - hehe) (2) “Something About You” - Level 42 (3) “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” - Rockapella (nothing short of a tongue-twister, this one - haha) (4) “Beautiful Surprise” - india.arie (5) “Drop It Like It’s Hot” - Snoop (haha), there’s more but you only asked for 5 songs. LOL

Five Things I Would Do with 100 Million Dollars: Anthony stole my answer LOL (1) 10% goes back to the Lord (2) pay off my debts and my family’s (3) buy my mom a house (4) support missionaries and mission work, especially in the Philippines (5) donate to charities and such (e.g. Amnesty International, World Vision, etc.) and save PBS stations all over the country (gotta love PBS).

Five Places I Would Run Away To: (1) my room (2) Starbucks (3) a park (4) New York City (5) the beach

Five Things I Would Never Wear: (1) gaucho pants (2) spandex (3) clogs (4) a Mohawk (5) anything neon

Five Favorite TV Shows: (1) Friends (2) Will & Grace (3) Coupling (4) The Office (5) Oprah

Five bad habits: (1) gossiping – trying to stop and is actually becoming quite successful at it (2) procrastinating (3) laziness (4) binging on coffee (is that considered a habit?) (5) snacking when I’m bored

Five biggest joys: (1) God/Jesus Christ (2) being saved (3) my family and friends (4) music (5) music

Five favorite toys: (1) my computer (2) my Barbies when I was growing up (3) my stuffed pink pig named Fred (4) Nevaeh’s Nemo (5) DDR game LOL

Five Fictional Characters I Would Date: Duuuudddeeee….LOL (1) Horatio Hornblower (men - ya’ll need to take notes from him - hee hee) (2) Aragorn Elessar (3) Legolas Greenleaf (4) Mr. Darcy from Pride & Prejudice (5) Hugh Grant’s character, the Prime Minister, in Love Actually

Now, I tag jeremywu, cleptochewy, jpmartinez, leopintums, audrey, jax, and ganns.


Let’s keep the people of New Orleans, LA and Gulfort, MS in our prayers, and anyone else who’s been affected by this tragedy, directly or indirectly. Let’s pray for peace of mind, and for patience and confidence that there’s help on the way. May the God of comfort make His presence felt throughout those 2 cities.