
Pella dreams

I had a Pella dream last night. It was a bit bizarre but cool at the same time. I dreamt that I was at a meet and greet after their show at some place of which I have no idea as to where it was. Anyhow, Kevin and I were talking and he told me that he felt bad that he never got a chance to pick me as Pretty Woman. I told him that it was quite alright and that it wasn't a big deal at all. He kept insisting that he had to make it up to me somehow since I had been a very loyal fan and have supported them for a very long time. He and I kept going back and forth, and I kept telling him that he shouldn't make a big deal of it. Next scene: I was in a shopping mall, walking towards a Starbucks (surprise! LOL) and when I walked in, I saw Kevin and Elliott in line to buy something. Kevin looked over, saw me and ran towards me, grabbed my arm and dragged me back to where he was standing in line. He told El that he was going to buy me my drink to somehow make it up to me. So, Kevin paid for my drink and the 3 of us sat down to have a chat. Next scene: Same mall. I was at a store, and Jeff walked in, saw me and came over to give me a big hug. And the whole time he just walked around, looked at clothes with me, and helped me pick them out. Weird. LOL Anyway, so that was some random dream that I had about the Guys. I remember having another one, years ago, where I was supposedly their 6th member. LOL Yup, me, the 6th member of Rockapella. Yessirree Bob! LOL Anyhow, all I remember was me sitting on Jeff's lap in the back seat of a small, white Honda Civic, with Bear driving, El in the front passenger seat, and Kevin and Scott with us in the back. LOL *cue circus music* Yeah, I had visions of 12 clowns in a VW bug...LOL We got to the club, and during rehearsals, Scott decided to have me take over VP duties for this particular show. We were all standing around the pit area of the stage, with Scott standing in the middle of this mini-circle we've created. Bear was sitting in one of the front row seats, Elliott was untangling some electrical cord right across from him. Kevin was leaning on the stage, Jeff was sitting on edge of the stage, and I was leaning on him with my back towards him. Scott looked over to me and asked me if I was ready. I told him, with confidence, that I was. And... SCENE. Bizarro dream eh? How about you? Any Pella dreams you'd like to share?