
Staying up late.

Well, as usual, I’m up late, so I decided to update. It’s been awhile since I last posted, hasn’t it? “So, what’s new?” you say. The past couple of weeks ushered in new blood. A baby boy has been added to our Porras clan, Tristen Jade is his name. He’ll be a heartbreaker, I could tell already. And he already has proven that he’s a prankster, being born on the day of his momma’s baby shower. He wanted to be in on the action already! That kid is going to be a ruckus! LoL Right now, all he does is eat, sleep and poop. Such is the life, eh? haha

Yesterday, I had to play the piano for praise and worship again. I get really nervous everytime I have to play the piano for praise and worship. I just need to practice more I guess. But I noticed that whenever I play the fast, upbeat worship songs, I tend to get “bass-heavy” to keep the rhythm going. LOL I don’t know, it just happens. Usually, I’m okay with the slow songs, although I hit a sour note here-and-there. Well, I just keep thinking to myself, I’m just going to shut out everyone and just focus on singing to the Lord, which often works and I get less nervous. It’s all about what’s in your heart, right?

Much to do this weekend. I’m actually getting a day off this Saturday! Whoo-hoo! Go me! I haven’t had a day off in months! I will be spending my morning just spending some quiet time at home and maybe hang out with my mom, if she isn’t doing any errands. And in the afternoon, I’ll be going with April to check out the USC vs. WASU game. Should be fun. Also, this coming Sunday will be Charis Music’s (Yamaha’s non-profit) “Singer Showcase”. I’m a bit anxious about this, but I’m sure it’ll be fine. The kids are ready to perform. And I hope it’s not as chaotic as it was last year. I’m pretty sure it won’t be, we’ve been preparing for this thing the whole year. Unlike like last year, when everything was done last-minute! Sunday will be a long day, but it should be good.

Saw Rockapella this past weekend. Elliott’s gone, but his replacement did not disappoint. John is his name and a very experienced performer. He brings a different energy and dynamic to the group. It was like I was seeing a whole different group altogether. They seemed rejuvenated.

I seem to be enjoying work lately. I enjoy being with my co-workers and establishing relationships with them. I just pray that I continue to be good witness to them. And I pray that God would open up doors for me to be able to share the Gospel to them.