

A quick update.

Praise God for He has carried me through this recent trial that I was experiencing (go back a couple of entries). I clung to Him and didn’t act on impulse, which could’ve led to a major heartbreak on my part yet again, and because of that, He spared me from going through a lot of emotional pain. As hard as it was for me not to indulge myself in the situation and let my heart rule my mind, I was able to turn away from the situation and look to Jesus. Thank you, Lord!

Another praise is that my mom and I finally moved! We didn’t move far from where we used to live, it basically down the street, but in a different city. I’m excited. It’s just my mom and I now. It’s part of us moving on with our lives. God has granted us a second lease in life. It’s been over 3 years now since my dad passed away. We miss him, but I believe the Lord wants us to move on. But we will always cherish the memories we have with my dad. :) We also appreciate my uncle and aunt for taking my mom and I in for so long. We love them and we praise God for them. May God continue to bless them and their household a thousand-fold!

Belated birthday greetings go out to JJ and Herb. The flaya-flayas…haha Had a great time with CFBC peeps last Saturday at Kabuki for JJ’s b-day. We had so much sushi, Yum and I were in food coma. LoL Too much food! But it was grub though!

If you don’t have Jason Mraz’s ‘Tonight, Not Again’ DVD, y’all should go and get it. Have I mentioned that he’s a fave? LoL

I’m seeing Take 6 this weekend at the Cerritos Performing Arts! Whoo-hoo! Exciting!