
Yesterday and today.

Recap from yesterday…

Went to work in the a.m….left early…Prel and I picked up Babie from work…met up with Jer and Jo…went to Westwood Park…Jer surprised us with a tea party for lunch at the park…fabulous!…Went to Fowler Museum at UCLA to view the photo exhibit on Filipino-American history…walked around Westwood…got my Starbucks™ …Babie, Jer & Jo got Diddy Riese’s…checked out Urban…drove out to South Pas…went to Pas for sushi at Kabuki…went home…slept.

Today’s my first Saturday back here at work. I’m wishing that I’m still in bed right now, sleepin’ away. It’s okay, Starbucks™ and loverly vocal harmonies from m-pact are keeping me awake right now.

Well, what else do I want to say? Of course, God is good and He sustains me with His grace. God bless you all today.