
Emotional healing.

I’m looking forward to our one-week vacation starting this Friday. I intend to make the most of my break. I’ve actually planned a couple of things already with my friends/co-workers. I’m really looking forward to going to Universal Studios next Thursday. I haven’t been there in a while, it should be lots of fun.

This Friday we’re having our ‘Seven Sayings’ service at our church (Olive Christian, woot-woot! hehe). Most of the FSBM churches will be there. Looking forward to seeing everyone again! Oh btw, last Saturday, FSBM had a basketball tournament at the Brea Community Centre, and the Long Beach FBF SOULJAS won! Hehe… I think credit should be given to where it’s due, and that’s to the Long Beach girls who cheered them on (oh, and of course Nate-dawg, our videographer…LOL If he hadn’t kept yelling “Conan, you’re so hot!” Conan wouldn’t have had a good game, ROFL)! Without us, the guys wouldn’t stand a chance, especially against the OC peeps (a.k.a. El Toro) and Dena peeps (a.k.a. Crossroads Christian Fellowship). j/p! LOL I think I made Ralph nervous when I kept yelling “HIDALGO!” during the game. LOL

Papuri’s rehearsal last night was very productive. I’m looking forward to singing the a cappella stuff that we learned. The arrangements are beautiful, I can’t wait to sing them. They’re a cappella arrangements of 2 well-known praise songs, “The Power of Your Love” and “Oh, The Glory of Your Presence”. We just need to fine-tune a couple of spots and then we should be okay. We’re actually preparing for a concert that we’re doing in L.A. on May 21st. We’re actually supporting this lady named Ledoria Johnson. She used to sing back-up for artists like Ray Charles and Tina Turner, I believe, back in the day. It’s her concert and she just asked us to sing a few songs during the show. It’s a Christian concert of course and it’s her way of ministering to “industry” people, which, I’m assuming, she will be inviting, and it’s also her way of introducing herself as a Christian artist. It should be an interesting time. To be honest, I don’t really know how I feel about this concert. I’m not really looking forward to it, I’m not really excited about it. I feel like I’m not really prepared for it. I don’t know why I feel this way. I know I shouldn’t be feeling this way, but I do. I just need to pray about it and ask God to change my heart and my attitude towards it. Forgive me Lord for feeling this way and for not even having the right attitude about it. It’s all for You Lord, that’s all I have to think about. We’re doing this to give You the glory.

Some emotional wounds just don’t heal as fast as you’d hope they would. I realized that last night. Although I’ve really gotten past the situation, have really gotten over it so-to-speak, some hurts just kind of linger, and sometimes we don’t even realize it. I pray that God would completely heal me from this. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t walk around like the ‘walking wounded’ and certainly the feelings are a memory now, but sometimes when things come up, whether it be in conversation or something else, and you get reminded of what you went through, it’s like a scab that gets picked and then the wound is exposed and it’s fresh all over again. But of course, wounds do heal completely. LOL I apologize if that’s a little too graphic of an illustration for you. But I think it’s a good way of describing it. I was told that I need closure. I think I had already achieved that. I just think that I’m still in the process of healing and by God’s grace, I am healing.