
Post 4th of July update.

Well, the 4th of July came and went, and guess what I did? NOTHING! Whoo-hoo! Exciting, isn't it? I wanted to go somewhere, but I didn't know where I wanted to go. I would've gone to NYC again, just to be away from Los Angeles, but I didn't want to spend a lot of money, and I was just there a month ago. I could've gone to San Diego, but I don't know anyone out there and I wouldn't know where to go anyway. San Francisco was another option, but I will be going there at the end of August to attend a friend's wedding. So, what exactly did I do for 4th of July, you ask? I stayed home and had bbq with my family and did my laundry. I didn't really mind pending it with family, however, I'm feeling out-of-place a little bit every day. I really need to get away, to move somewhere else. I don't like being in Cerritos anymore. I'm tired of it. Nothing against Cerritos, but I'm just that type of person who gets tired of living in the same place, for a long period of time. I think it's just coming from having to move a lot when I was younger. And I get tired of competing with people, having to one-up the other. I don't care what they say anymore. I'm just gonna live my own life the way I want to. Accountable to no one but God. I'm not a bad person, I don't party hard, drink in excess or do drugs. I'm not promiscuous and I don't intend to be. It's just not the life that I want to live, because it's so unsatisfying. I think I'm starting to gain perspective on things, slowly but surely. I try not to dwell on material things, or what this world can offer, because the truth is, this world can't offer me squat. But I do have something to offer to the world, and that is hope, hope in Jesus Christ. I know that I haven't been living my life the way I know that I should live, but I have that desire and I just want to be able to continue to have that desire. I know that I still sin, but that's no reason for me to run away from God. I should run to Him instead when I do sin. Okay, I'm rambling and have lost my train of thought, but I just hope that whoever reads this gets a little perspective in life.

Anyway, I finally joined a gym after having talked about it for so many months. I must say that I'm really sore right now that everytime I move a limb, I shriek in pain…Well, ok, I'm exagerrating, but I am in pain. It's so rewarding though, and I feel a lot lighter. I've only gone twice, my first work-out was with a personal trainer and he really worked me hard, and the other one was just today, and I did the treadmill and another contraption which I don't really know the name of, but it's like skiing and step-climbing at the same time. It really works you out. I just hope that I do lose some weight. I want to be fit for the summer, I just want to lose some weight and concentrate on flattening my abs and toning my arms, especially my tri-ceps. I was thinking about not signing up to train for a personal trainer anymore, but I think it's gonna be a good investment. I need to get in shape and lose weight, just to feel better. I'm not getting any younger and my metabolism is starting to slow down even more, so I think this will be a good thing for me.