
Well, as of yesterday, I'm officially going to NYC! I've been looking forward to this for weeks. I've been needing some time-off ever since I-don't-know-how-long, and I believe that it's very much deserved. I still don't know who I'm staying with and who's picking me up from the airport. My cousin Ry gave me a couple of options on how I'm going to get my butt transported from JFK (awful public restrooms btw!) to my aunt's house in Jersey City. Option 1: Take the bus from the airport to Port Authority and THEN take another bus into Jersey City. Option numero dos: Take a cab and pay $60 bucks to avoid the freakin' hassle of actually having to lug all my belongings from one bus to another. Actually, I wouldn't really mind paying $60 bucks…sheesh! What da heck am I saying? Dang, talk about being spoiled by the perks of living in Los Angeles…Barely anyone takes the public transportation around here. I guess I better dress comfortably so that I wouldn't have to worry about looking good while transporting my luggage around the city of New York!

First thing I want to do when I get there is go to "Ground Zero." It's not out of morbid curiosity why I want to go, it's out of respect for those who perished and for the fire-fighters and policemen who, day-in and day-out, give so much of their time to recover the bodies and to clean up the wreckage. I want to go out of respect for New Yorkers and to be able to sympathize with what they went through and what they're still going through.

It bites that I'm sick right now. Hopefully, I'll be well enough by the time I go to NYC. My cousin told me that all I will be doing that weekend is sing, sing and sing some more! He's been checking out karaoke bars in Manhattan, looking for dives where everyone and their momma can hear me sing…Hey, who knows? Maybe some music executive will hear me and sign me on the spot! Wouldn't that be loverly? heh! Big, fat chance! But still, you never know…So, I need to get better by the time I go…Gotta rest up these pipes!

I'll be seeing my favorite music group in NYC as well. 2 shows in one night, what a treat!
Alright, I think I'm gonna hit the sack. My nose is dripping like a faucet and I'm running out of tissue…on to my next box! LOL Good nite all!