
Childhood and growing up.

I saw a couple of my childhood friends today who I haven’t seen in ages, it seems like. These people have been friends of mine since we were in diapers, and I just can’t believe that they’re both married, and one of them has kids already. Anyway, they went off today on some cruise along with their other married friends and it’s just so weird being around all of them. I felt so out-of-place and so much younger than they are. But, that’s the thing, I am not much younger than they are. We’re all within the same age-group, grew up in the same decade, I just thought it was bizarre. My good friend asked me what my plans are as far as moving back to Toronto is concerned. It’s so weird discussing my plans with her and to have her talk about her kids (adorable, btw), and her husband and all the marital issues of the day. We’ve totally gone on our own different paths in life, and I’m happy for her because she has a great life, a great marriage and great family. I just felt so “single” when I talked to her. LOL But despite the fact that I feel so much younger than they are when I’m around my friends who are married, there’s this part of me that feels so “grown-up” knowing the fact that I do have friends who are married and have children and have careers. Can’t wait ’til I too am married, and go off on some married couples’ cruise, but first, I have to find a “significant other.” LOL It’s all in God’s hands.