

I'm feeling very sad and vulnerable right now. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut.

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I believe that the stress that I’ve been experiencing these past few months have messed up my digestive system. I haven’t been eating well, don’t have much of an appetite, and I feel constipated. Sorry, too much information, but it’s the truth.

These past 4 days have been the most interesting and trying days I’ve had so far. The list of the things that I’ve experienced in that short amount of time could prove to be discouraging and defeating for most. I was on the brink of that, but have decided to channel the frustrations and the discouragement into energy focused on finding a new job, and my return home to Toronto. I’m still continuing to pray for that part of my life. However, the things that have transpired the past few days and for the past few months have really made me think about the possibility that the Lord is closing doors for me here in the US and redirecting me into moving back to Canada. I welcome this with open arms, as I have been desiring to move back anyway. But it’s all in God’s proper time. I will wait patiently, and continue to pray for it.