
"Can I touch your hand?" - Level 42 Concert at The Grove of Anaheim, 7-29-10

Still on a high from the night before, I was very much eager to see Level 42 at The Grove, with my childhood friend, Marnie, who’s also a fan of the group. The previous night, I went with my friends Vanessa and Kyna, who were virtually new to Level 42, so it was a different kind of experience for me. They didn’t share the same enthusiasm for Level 42 as I do. I know Marnie knows them, loves them almost as much as I do, so I was very excited to see Level 42 with her.

Marnie and I before the show started.

The concert was supposed to start at 8pm. Marnie picked me up around 6:30pm, and we didn’t really get to leave my house ‘til 7pm, because she still had to get ready at my place (she had come from another appointment that day). So, we finally left around 7pm, but we were hungry, so we stopped by some Filipino fast-food place and had a quick dinner. We finally left the Cerritos area around 7:40pm. At that point, I was really in no hurry because I thought that they were going to have an opening act. We finally arrived at the venue just a little past 8pm. When we got there, people were still trickling in. We went to find our spots, and found ourselves a couple of feet in front of the stage! We were really, REALLY close! There was a couple, right in front of us, and that’s it! So, I was very excited that I would actually get to watch Mark, Mike and and the boys up close! I made sure that I got my camera out so I can take loads of pictures and try to sneak in some videos as well.

The show didn’t start ‘til about 9pm. The boys came out, and screams erupted from the audience! OMG, Mark King was right there! I ended up standing in front of Nathan King (vocals/guitar/Mark’s little bro) and Sean Freeman (sax), which was just fine (they’re lovely to look at). I must admit, I couldn’t stop staring at Nathan. I just think he’s too cute for words! Yes, I have a tiny, little crush on Nathan (OK, so it’s not “tiny, little”). He’s just too darn sexy playing that guitar. LOL I can’t believe I just said that. Don’t get me wrong, I still have a crush on Mike (my first L42 crush), and Nathan’s big bro, Mark, but they’re both married, so I’ve limited my infatuation with them to a minimum. Nathan, on the other hand, is single (from what I know), so he’s fair game. BAHAHAHA! I’m kidding! Erhmm.. I love his rapport with Sean. Those 2 are definitely fun to watch together! And they seem to have their little secrets on stage, especially, Sean. He kept leaning over, and whispering to Nathan. And they’d smile, or laugh. Cheeky buggers. Haha!

Pete Ray Biggin, their drummer, is a beast on the drums! A beast, I tell yah! He’s insane, he played non-stop! And Level 42 songs aren’t easy-peasy. The drum parts are complicated and high-octane, even with the ballads! By the end of the concert, he was soaking in his own sweat! It was as if someone dumped a bucket of water on him! That’s how soaked he was!

Of course, they did the hits. My new favourite song, however, that I never paid attention to before, is “Dream Crazy”. I love the words, and the way Mike, Nathan and Sean sing the chorus, in their falsettos, is just too sexy! Haha! I love the line, “I love the way you start to glow. I love the way your body flows.” Yeah, I’ve been listening to that song over and over since the concert.

If you’re looking for one reason (besides hearing “Something About You”, “Lessons in Love” and “Running in the Family”) to see Level 42 in concert, then it would have to be Mark King’s bass solo. This man is a legend. He has perfected the slap style of bass-playing. And the speed at which he does it, is mind-blowing! And he sings, and chews gum while he plays. That’s no easy task. Haha I’ve seen a lot of bass-players who sing in my lifetime, but there’s just something about Mark that’s completely different and just awe-inspiring. No one can do what he does and he’s ace at it!

The show ends, and we linger inside the theater for a bit, hoping they’d come out. But security started shoo-ing us away, so we had to leave. We got to the car, and I was telling Marnie that I would really love to meet them, but it looks like they weren’t going to come out. We sat in her car for a bit, and looked at the pictures I took from the concert. Then, we finally decided to leave. As we were about to leave the parking lot, I noticed a group of people had congregated behind the venue. I told Marnie to turn around to see what was going on. We got to the back of the venue, and I saw their TOUR BUS! OMG, am I really going to get to meet them?! As soon as we parked, we ran to the wired fence that enclosed the back area. We waited a good while, and it was getting really cold until who emerges from the back door?! MIKE LINDUP! My mind started racing, I was thinking of things that I wanted to say to him. We were at the end of the line, so I thought, I had enough time to think of what to say to him. Finally, he reached us, and he was right in front of me, smiling! I didn’t know what to say, or do! I reached out my hand and I shook his, and all I could muster was, “I’ve loved you since I was 7 years old.” He smiled, and said that was sweet, and then we asked him for a picture with us. He leaned over to me, and I could feel his chin resting on my head. Haha Mike was my first L42 crush, and now he had his arm is around me! I was just star-struck and flustered, I didn’t know what else I said to him. My mind turned into goo, and my mouth felt like it had cotton-balls in it. I felt like a complete doofus! And what’s worse was that, I sort of ignored Mike, and stared at Sean Freeman, who finally came outside. He actually started at our end of the line, instead of at the beginning, where Mike started, and he kinda hung around with us for a little while. But yes, I kind of ignored Mike, I felt so bad! But before he walked away, I managed to muster up a “thank you for coming to the US”, and for letting us have our picture taken with him. And he smiled and walked away. Seriously, I’m still kicking myself for not being able to speak to Mike at length. *sigh* I wish I get another chance, next year.

With the lovely Mike Lindup. I was so intimidated by him, I didn't know what to say!

Sean (sax man) was a doll! He was so adorable, nice and friendly! I didn’t really get to say much to him, he did most of the speaking (haha!), and I just hung back and listened to his gorgeous accent. He said something like, he lives close to Scotland, which is why his accent has kind of a lovely Scottish lilt to it (I love the Scots and their accents! The thicker the accent, the more charming I find it.)! Marnie and I asked if he could pose for a pic with us, and he gladly obliged, then he put each of his arms around Marnie and me! *insert fan-girl squee* He gave us each a kiss on the cheek and moved on to the next person.

Something that Sean did/said kinda struck me as a bit odd, though. When he came over to us, I said “Hi, I’m Aura.” and shook his hand. He then said, “[I'm] Sean. And it’s nice to meet you…..FINALLY.” and then he smiled. That took me by surprise, then I said, “Finally?! What?” because I wasn’t sure what he meant. Even Marnie looked at me, confused as to why he said, “FINALLY”. But he didn’t say anything, he just smiled. :-/ I’m still a bit puzzled about that one, to be honest.

With the adorable Sean Freeman.

We waited a bit for Nathan, who haven’t quite reached us because a bunch of people kept cutting in front of us to talk with him. He finally got to us, and I just… I just… I didn’t know what to say. I shook his hand, introduced myself and then we asked for picture. He spoke to my friend Marnie at length, because she asked him what part of England he’s from and if he knew a football (soccer) player, who happened to be the father of Marnie’s brother-in-law. So, they spoke about that for a little bit, while I chatted up with other fans that were waiting outside.

With (my future hubby) Nathan King. Hah!

Then, Pete Ray (drummer) came along and joined Nathan, Marnie and I in the conversation. They were discussing how Marnie didn’t look like she had a 15 and 12 yr old. Then, Pete Ray asked us what our nationality was. Marnie said we’re Filipino. He said that his first girlfriend was Filipino, and that she was great, and sang really well. Boy, did that ever make my night! Marnie told him and that she and I both sing. Anyway, so we posed for a pic with Pete Ray, and Nathan. Then, after that Pete Ray moved on.

With the phenomenal Pete Ray Biggin (and Nathan King).

Before Nathan walked away, I told him that I really thought he was a fantastic guitar player, and that I couldn’t stop staring at the way he played the guitar. I told him that I tend to watch intently, and learn technique from guitar players, since I’m a frustrated guitar player myself (I can play, a little.). He got all shy and said thanks, but said that it was just all “smoke-and-mirrors”. But I told him, it wasn’t. He was really, really good. I totally forgot to mention that I thought his work on “Heaven in My Hands”, and “Something About You” was outstanding! The guitar riff during the chorus of HIMH, and during the bridge in SAY, are quite distinct and iconic, almost. Alan Murphy and Boon Gould set the bar quite high for me, so when Nathan was able to pull off those 2 particular riffs in those 2 songs, I was quite impressed! But of course, I forgot to mention that to him. Anyway, he thanked us for coming, and we thanked him for coming to the US. He gave us hugs, and kisses, and then went to their tour bus.

Finally, the moment I’d been waiting, dreaming, hoping for, has arrived! Meeting Mark King! I thought I would be very intimidated talking to him. But he was just the sweetest, nicest, most lovely man you’ll ever meet! He’s so down-to-earth for someone who’s such a gifted musician. There are people who act modest and nice, but you can still sense that slight hint of arrogance. With Mark, there was none of that at all. And I half-expected he wouldn’t be very approachable, but he was the complete opposite of that! Not one arrogant bone in that man’s body. I was incredibly surprised at how warm, friendly and approachable he was. I introduced myself, and shook his hand, he pulls me to him and gives me a hug and a kiss. Seriously, it was hugs and kisses everywhere! We asked for a picture (which is just too epic in itself). Then, I told him that I wish they’d played “Seven Years” from their “Guaranteed” CD. He said that it was a great tune, but there were just too many awesome tunes that he wanted to include but couldn’t, due to time-constraints. Marnie told him that they should do a 3-hour show! The look on his face was just classic when he heard that and then he touched his throat and said that he didn’t think his throat could handle it. I told him that I loved him and that we’re glad they’ve finally come to the States after so long. He thanked us for coming. I asked him if I could touch his hand, he said to “have a go at it”. So, I did! I held his hand for a bit, with both my hands. I caressed it, squeezed it, massaged it for a bit. I wanted to savor that freakin’ moment! He didn’t care, he just let me do whatever I wanted with it, didn’t even try to pull it away, while he was talking to other fans. I finally let go, because I was getting carried away. Haha! I thanked him, then he gave us hugs and kisses again! He’s sooooo lovely! Before he left, he said that they will definitely be back next year! Ahhhh!!! I can’t wait!

With the amazingly talented, Mark King!

It was quite an evening! One that I won’t forget for a very, very long time!


"Livin' it up, livin' it up. I can feel it"... My very first Level 42 concert, EVER! (The Belly Up Tavern, Solana Beach, CA 07-28-10)

My friend Vanessa and I drove down to Oceanside around 2pm, where our friend, Kyna lives, and where we would be staying for the evening, after the concert. We arrived around 3:30pm, relaxed and got ready. Had dinner, then, headed out to The Belly Up in Solana Beach, which was 30 minutes away, where Level 42 would be playing that night. I had been waiting for that night for about 7 months, and couldn’t believe that it was about to come to fruition!

Just to give you a little bit of a background on my fandom: I’ve loved Level 42 since I was 7 years old. Yes, 7 years old. I believe it was “Love Games” that was on the radio at the time, and I absolutely loved it. Flash forward to 1985, “Something About You” came out, along with “Lessons in Love”, and I was done! I saw the video for SAY, fell in love with Mike Lindup, thought he was the most adorable thing and just absolutely went nuts for the song! I was 10 years old. As the years went by though, I sort of lost track of them. It wasn’t until May of 2000 that I was re-introduced to them, thanks to Jeff Thacher of Rockapella. He put in his bio (that the Rockapella fan club used to release) that Level 42 was one of his favourite groups. When I saw that, I thought to myself, “Level 42?! Oh my, I haven’t heard of them in a while.” So, I proceeded to look them up on the internet, and there I found out that they were still an actively touring group, but was sad to find out that only 2 of the 4 original members were left. As I found out more and more about them, I started buying their CDs off of Ebay. Discovered the older stuff, and fell in love all over again. At the time, I was also working at a law firm, where I worked with Ed, a paralegal, who turned out to be an absolute Levelhead (who’s also a gigging musician)! When he found out that I had just re-discovered Level 42, he offered to lend me his video tapes, “Fait Accompli” and “Live at Wembley 1986”. That’s when I fell in love with Mark King, and his incredible talent! The man is a bass-playing fool, with unsurpassed talent! I told myself that one day, I would love to travel to the UK just to see them play live, whatever configuration they may be in at the time. I didn’t think that they would ever come to the US to do concerts. Back then, it seemed like it was highly unlikely they would.

July 28, 2010. The day, I thought, would never come. I found myself getting ready to see my musical loves. My musical heroes, if you will. I was beside myself with excitement, but I tried not to show it. I didn’t want my expectations to be too high, only to be disappointed in the end. I had also heard, from other people who had already attended the shows in the East coast, that the band does a meet-and-greet after the shows! Whoa! Would it really be possible for me to meet them?! The thought was just too hard to fathom. When I talked to Jeff Thacher in San Juan Capistrano, after one of his gigs with Rockapella, about wanting to meet Level 42, he kind of discouraged me, and just said to just take as many pictures as I could. I hate to say it, but he burst my bubble. So, I went into the Level 42 gig at The Belly Up with very low expectations. My only consolation was that I had 2 concerts to go to. Anything more than that, would be a lovely bonus.

We got to The Belly Up a little before 8pm. As soon as we walked in, I got excited and nervous at the same time, something that one would feel going on a first date. Yup, that’s how I felt about seeing Level 42 for the first time. It felt like I was meeting them on our first date. Haha I noticed the long-time fans were already positioned in front of the stage. I knew I had no chance of getting up close and personal with my boys, so I opted to stand about 10 feet away from the stage. Unfortunately, being a 5-foot-tall Filipina, that wasn’t very ideal. It didn’t help that the 6-foot burly guys in front of my friends and me weren’t budging and would not let us go to the front, even though they knew that they could see above us just fine. Despite the fact that I was annoyed at those guys, I just let it slide because they were fellow Level 42 fans, and I wasn’t about to ruin my night just because of their lack of generosity.

Their opening act was called The Earful. Similar style of music as Level 42, but they had no vocals. They were pretty good, and the lead sax player, was definitely HOT. My friends and I called him Orlando Bloom, because he had similar features, which is definitely MY type. Hah! After their set, while the roadies were setting up for Level 42, some older guy stood behind us with a friend of his. He struck up a conversation with me, asked me if I was a fan of the band, and said that he used to work with Level 42, 25 years ago, as their chef. Hmm… And he proceeded to tell me that he’d buy us drinks, if we wanted, and perhaps meet the band later on. SUSPICIOUS. I tried to avoid him as much as possible, just as a precaution, because you never know what kind of agenda he had. Oy.

Finally, Level 42 takes the stage! They started coming out, one by one: Mike, Pete Ray, Mark, Nathan and Sean. I didn’t know who to look at first! My head was swimming! It was just all too surreal! Mark picks up his KingBass, and that was it! I think my head exploded!

I couldn’t see well where we were standing, so my friends and I decided to just go to the back, and look for an empty bench by the bar. We finally did find a spot, all the way at the back, across the bar, I was sitting at the very end of the bench. It was a nice little corner-spot that I found, I took the opportunity to sit on the railing instead, to elevate myself and get a better view of the stage, above the crowd, and it was awesome! I partied my heart out, sang along to all the songs, screamed at every opportune moment, and I was dancing in my seat! I was having a blast! Even though, I wasn’t up close, I had the best time (low expectations, remember?).

They sang the hits – “Something About You”, “Lessons in Love”, “Running in the Family”. They also did the lesser-known (in the US), “The Sun Goes Down (Living it Up)” – which I claim to be my song, because of the line, “There’s a girl at the back, making eyes at me. And her hair, long and black, it’s a sight to see.” I have very long, black hair. ;-)

After the concert, we lingered around to see if they were coming out to meet the fans. While waiting, I went to look at the merch table to see if I can score some items that I didn’t have yet. I was hoping that they would have the 30th anniversary boxset (which they sold in PA, a couple of nights prior), but the guy said they didn’t have it. Bummer. So, I ended up just buying their “Live in Holland 2009 DVD” (which turned out to be AWESOME!). I asked the guy at the merch table if the band was coming out to meet with the fans. He said they weren’t. I asked him if he was sure, he said he was. My friends and I tried to linger a bit more to see if they were coming out, despite what the guy said. However, it was getting late, and we had an early the next day, so we headed home. Later on, I found out, through Twitter, from another long-time Level 42 fan, Carl, that the band did come out and meet with the fans and took pictures! However, I was long gone when they did! I was absolutely bummed, and couldn’t sleep that night because I missed, what I thought was, my only chance to meet them. I wasn’t expecting to meet them at The Grove the following night because it was a different type of venue, not an intimate one.

Anyway, despite some setbacks, I managed to really have fun. And I think my friends, who were new to Level 42, enjoyed watching me have fun! My first ever Level 42 concert was definitely what I expected, and more! Thank you for coming to the US after 23 years! The wait was definitely well worth it!