
Long overdue update

I’m feeling much better. By God’s grace, I’m just taking things in stride now. I have my “drama-deflectors” up, and I’m just going to live out God’s truths in my life each and every day. I’m currently listening to Mary J. Blige’s “No More Drama”. How appropriate.

Anyway, I went to Vegas this past weekend with some friends, and boy, did I need it! I needed to get away, clear my head, and just have fun. We went and saw Le Reve (a Cirque du Soleil-type production, the director is Franco Dragone). It was fantastic! What a production! Everything was set in water. Too many things going on at once, it was so hard to focus on one thing. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone going to Vegas. Alas, I’m still on vacation mode. I had a hard time waking up this morning. I just didn’t want to go to work today. But alas, reality sets in, and I’m back in the real world. *sigh* I would love to go back, or possibly go somewhere else this year.

I celebrated my birthday a couple of weeks ago, and let me just say, I had a blast. Friends and family came and celebrated it with me, I’m glad my uncle and aunt agreed to host my birthday shindig at their place. Everyone seemed to have had a great time, and it was just great having my family, church friends, work friends, and other friends meet and mingle with one another. I truly praise God for the family and friends that I have. I wouldn’t trade them for anything!


“Amazing Grace” - the movie

I cannot wait to see this movie. It’s about William Wilberforce, who spearheaded the abolition of the slave trade in England (and the eventual abolition of slavery altogether) and who was a good friend of John Newton, the writer of the hymn, Amazing Grace.

It’s starring Ioan Gruffudd as Wilberforce (Horatio Hornblower, Fantastic Four, Titanic), one of my favourite actors ever. It’s out February 23rd.

View the trailer HERE.


Honesty is the best policy.

Honesty truly is the best policy. I’ve learned that tonight. I’m hopeful for FRIENDSHIP.

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Proverbs 17:17


Random thoughts about friendship.

Just when you thought you know who your true friends are, someone does something to you behind your back that totally just blindsides you. You think that this person is someone to be trusted, but they betray you instead. You confide in them about something truly personal, and they use that information for their personal gain. Sometimes they take something away from you, without considering your feelings or even your so-called friendship, which you thought was valuable to both of you. What’s even worse is if they had experienced the same betrayal by someone else, and yet they don’t see that they’re doing the same thing to you. That’s just unfortunate.

Anyway, I was just thinking about this the past couple of days and just wanted to get it out. I pray that this doesn’t happen to any of us.