
Self-discipline, work in progress…

I was just browsing through my brother PJ’s blog and stumbled upon his post about self-discipline, something that I need to work on constantly AND especially this year.

A Key to Life: Self-Discipline by John MacArthur

This year seems to be the year for much needed changes in my life. I’m constantly trying to work on my weaknesses, and I’m seeking God’s guidance in everything that I do.


Tsunami Youth Conference 2006

As most of you know, my cousins and I (a.k.a. In Harmony), had the opportunity to sing at the Tsunami Youth Conference at the Long Beach Convention Centre this past Saturday. We had the most amazing time! Praise God for that opportunity. We performed with our friends, Projekt Soul, and it was the most adrenaline-rush I’ve ever had. And I’m so glad that my cousins and their church youth group were there to cheer us on, as well as our other friends from FSBM, we just felt the support and the love from them. Probably the biggest crowd we’ve ever performed for, and it was a bit daunting as well because these were a bunch junior high and high school kids - a demographic that, as you may all know, are very hard to please. But we had a great response from them and they sang and danced along with us. It was great. And the message shared to us by Francis Chan (Cornerstone Church - Simi Valley, CA) was just a great reminder that we need to live our lives everyday with the mindset that Christ can come at any time.

Thank you to those who prayed for us.

Tsunami Youth Conference
Official In Harmony Myspace Page
Official Projekt Soul Myspace Page