
getting sleepy.

Just came home from hangin’ out with Conan, Katzy, Crystal and Jenna (who both came down from West Covina) at Starbucks. Good times. Now, I’m sleepy. *yawn*

John Legend’s going to be on Jimmy Kimmel tomorrow night, and I’m kicking myself for not reserving free tickets to go see him. *sigh* Oh well.

Okay, I’m gonna go get some zzzzz’s.


A pic to share.

I was just browsing through my Photo albums, and I found this picture of my cousins and I with Ty Taylor (Dakota Moon, Rockstar:INXS) taken in 2003 after Dakota Moon’s final gig. Anyway, just thought I’d share this photo. ;)


Parlez-vous le français ?

My co-worker is giving me free French lessons. So much fun! :) It’s a little tricky, but I think I’m getting it, slowly but surely. ;)


When you feel resistance, it’s time to stop pushing the cutip.

That line from Friends, courtesy of one Chandler Bing, cracks me up everytime I hear it. It’s not exactly verbatim, I think I may have rephrased it, but just the way he delivers the line. Anyway, just one random thought for yah.

I’ve been insanely busy at work for the past couple of weeks. It’s a miracle that I actually have time to write a post right now. God’s is so good though, He’s given me the strength to get me through the madness. It’s sooo easy to complain, to give up, or to freak out. But I always try to remember that God gave me this job, and I am truly blessed to have one at all! I do need a holiday though, of that I am certain.

So, “what’s new?”, you say. Well, not much. My life for the past few weeks have pretty much revolved around work. I’m thankful for the weekends, church is always a refreshing change from the weekly routine.

So yeah, I have new shows this fall. Prison Break for one, and Related. Then, Daniel Deronda on PBS’ Masterpiece Theatre this month. I missed E=mc2: Einstein’s Big Idea on PBS as well, last Tuesday, grrr… Man, PBS is my only source of entertainment and amusement these days. But it’s all good. ;)

Oh, heads-up for all USC Trojan fans (that means, you - April, Jeremy and Ate Joyce - haha). This Thursday, on PBS at 9pm I believe (KOCE Channel 50 - Orange County), they’re having a show solely devoted to Traveler, the Trojan mascot. Anyway, just thought I’d let you know.

Everyone’s been sick in my family. Tristen got the stomach flu, and so did everyone else at their house. It had been passed on to my mom, who’s currently home, resting and riding out the flu. And I think I may be the next victim. Not too fun. I can’t afford to be sick. We’re understaffed at the school, and it’s enrollment time! *sigh* Pray for me.

Well, time to get going. I’m very tired.