
RENT…the movie.

Yes! I know! And it stars almost all of the original cast members from the Broadway show (yes, Adam Pascal, Jesse L. Martin, Taye Diggs, Idina Menzel, to name a few). Rosario Dawson is playing Mimi. It looks good so far. It comes out in November of this year. Can't wait!
You can find the trailer HERE.


Just taking time out to mention…

…that today would’ve been my dad’s 62nd birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Daddy. I miss you. I’m clinging to the hope that we have in Christ that we will see each other again. :) I love you.



It’s been awhile since I last posted, hasn’t it? Just haven’t felt like posting I suppose. Nothing much has transpired since the last time I wrote anything. One thing I can say though, God has been really good to me, and He has answered a prayer that I’ve been praying for for about 15 years now! A new beginning is right in front of me and I can’t wait to grab hold of the wheel and enjoy the ride. Praise God!

Memorial Day came and went, and I didn’t really do much. I did visit my grandparents’ gravesite, as well as my dad’s and brought flowers however, and then went to go shopping for a wedding (PJ and Fran’s) that I’m attending this month. I thought the mall was going to be packed with shoppers, but to my surprise, that wasn’t the case at all. I found a great parking spot and didn’t have much trouble walking around, and I didn’t have to elbow fellow shoppers for great bargains! I didn’t shop ’til I drop though. Just came away with 2 items, both of which were something that I had to get anyway (nope, no impulse-buying for me, no siree!).

I can’t wait for the last week of this month to arrive. Looking forward to the missions trip that I’m going to with my gals from Olive Christian and our friends from Filipino Baptist Fellowship. Although, it is a local trip (no, we’re not going to some far-off, secluded country), it will still be a great opportunity for us to stretch our faith and get out of our comfort zones. Please be in prayer for all of us, as we prepare for this upcoming trip. There will be 10 of us who are going.

So, I’ve seen 2 of the many summer movies that I want to see this summer, and one that wasn’t on my list: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, SWIII - Revenge of the Sith (twice in one day), and Monster-in-Law (Yeah, I know. Surprisingly, it’s quite funny.). I can cross those off my summer-movie-must-see list. I haven’t seen Kingdom of Heaven yet (I know, surprising isn’t it? LOL).

Miss Canada was crowned Miss Universe last night. Go, CANADA! *waves Canadian flag* (Miss Philippines was voted Miss Congeniality, Best in Swimsuit, and Most Photogenic).

Speaking of Canada, I get to go back next year, Lord willing! Whoo-hoo! I’m very, VERY excited!

I need to start reading again this summer. I have so many books that have been sitting on my shelf, and I haven’t finished a lot of it. *sigh*

Talk about random thoughts!

currently revisiting: Fellowship of the Ring
craving for: chocolate chip ice cream
needing: a very long holiday
drinking: a glass of orange-flavoured Tang (yes, TANG! LOL)

Okay, my eyelids are getting heavy. Must. get. sleep. now. Da nos. (That’s “good night” in Welsh)