

Just when you think the weather’s going to get warmer, here comes the rain…AGAIN! LOL Really, I don’t mind the rain at all, as long as I do not have to go anywhere outside the four walls of our apartment. I was actually hoping that the sun would pay us a visit sometime during the day, and I seemed to notice that it did, sometime during the afternoon, but only for about a few minutes, then the rain-clouds covered it. *sigh* Oh well, a few more weeks of this wouldn’t kill me.

My DVD player has decided to check out on me. It is now officially unusable. I tried to watch my Return of the King DVD, but it won’t read my DVD, so I thought maybe the lens was dirty. So last night, I trekked on over to Best Buy (you gotta love Best Buy), to buy a DVD lens cleaner, in between ogling an external hard drive that I was dying to buy. A quick phone call to Nate made it a lot easier for me NOT to buy the hard drive, at least not after I had slept on it for a few days (well, I’ve decided not to buy it until next month, or whenever my budget will allow me to – or maybe never, we’ll see. LOL). Anyway, back to my DVD player… so I used the lens cleaner on it last night, and ran it a few times, but to no avail. When I got home tonight, I tried to use the lens cleaner again, but the DVD player won’t even open anymore, so I couldn’t put the cleaner disc in. I unplugged it, took a screw driver and opened the case up to see if something was out of place or if some wire got disconnected, but when I opened it up, everything seemed to be in place. So I placed the cover back on, plugged it back in, but when I tried to turn it on, it won’t!!! I don’t know what went wrong! Argh. So now, I am without a DVD player. Well, enough of my DVD woes. LOL

Work was incredibly hectic today. Phones were ringing left and right. I barely had time to breathe in between calls. Once I got off the phone with one call, I had to pick up the next one, and there were some that were also on hold for me. Wow. But that’s good for business though. More parents calling, enrolling their kids. It’s a very good thing.

Well, I’m beat. This week was has been quite exhausting. The stress is manifesting itself physically, I’m feeling aches and pains. But God has been giving me the strength that I need to get through each day. Please pray that I don’t get sick.